Driving through Big Sur along Highway 1 is an absolute must for anyone traveling through California. The unforgiving twisty, steep, narrow highway is packed with endless, breathtaking views. From jagged coastlines with royal blue waters crashing forcefully against the tall cliffs to lush, green forest that line the coast. At about 90 miles of intensity, the drive is not for the faint of heart, but well worth the effort.

After driving directly west from Fresno to Monterey, we began our journey south back on Highway 1 and arrived to the northern 'entrance' of Big Sur in the early evening on a Saturday night. We knew camping would be tight (the few camping sites are reserved well in advance come summer months). But we were lucky! We found a hike in spot about 3/4 of a mile from the highway in Andrew Molera State Park. It was getting late and we were less than prepared but we pulled it together. After gathering neccesary supplies (tent, sleeping bags, food, booze) we hiked in and had a great night! The place was packed but at least we had a spot.
The following morning we decided to take it easy. We traveled about twelve miles before pulling over to Pfeiffer State Park. We ended up staying there for two nights. The first afternoon we explored the park, went on a great day hike and enjoyed biking around the campsite. Pretty mellow. After days of sunshine, although chilly, we woke the next morning to rain! And it poured and poured. So, what did we do? Found ourselves at a local pub in the 'town' of Big Sur. A few beers later we headed back to the campsite for a few more beers and a couple rounds of Rummy (which, by the way, I am MUCH better at than Joe).

The sun was shinning the next morning and we continued on south. We left the boundaries of Big Sur and found ourselves outside of San Luis Obispo in Montana de Oro State Park. The park sits on a peninsula and is absolutely gorgeous. We had the place to ourselves and camped for two nights. The park is surrounded by coastal bluffs and low 'coastal scrub' forest. The beach was stunning (Joe got in a little kite board practice) and the sunsets were magnificent. We headed out for a twelve mile hike through the rolling hills and enjoyed the views from the top. It was a very relaxing few days.
Our next destination was Los Angeles to visit a few familiar faces. We made a pit stop in Santa Barbara, walked the pier and camped in Los Padres National Forest. I could spend some serious time in that town.
Our first stop in LA was a visit with Mariette and boyfriend, Britt, for cocktails at Moonshadow in Malibu. The bar sat directly above the water and we walked in to a film crew filming on the patio (so California!). We even saw dolphins! It had been years since Mars and I have had a chance to catch up. So much fun! We enjoyed delicious fancy cucumber martini's and the boys had refreshing beers.
After many laughs and saying our goodbyes we headed out in the heat of Friday night traffic in LA to make our way to Ryan's apartment in Hollywood. It took about two and a half hours to make the short distance of thirty-three miles. But we embraced the idea of traffic and found humor in driving the Dodge Mahal down Sunset Avenue amongst the car show that surrounded us.
I have to start by saying I absolutely love my little brother. It is always such a pleasure to visit California to see Ryan! Previously living in Venice Beach, it was fun exploring his new hood of Hollywood. I guess I didn't realize that people actually live and yes, work, in the neighborhood of Hollywood. If fact, before this visit, I'm not certain I would consider it a 'neighborhood'. But it is! Just like anywhere else. Ryan and his boyfriend, Lucas, live in a super charming apartment across from some of the original studios of Hollywood. In fact, their building used to host celebrities as they were in town working on projects.

Joe and I put on our 'city clothes' and headed out for a great Friday night out with Ryan and Lucas! We kept dinner cheap and enjoyed delicious dogs at Papaya Dog. The winner, in my opinion, was the chilly, cheese and 'side on top' (curly fries). I like to describe food like this as 'slutty'. It was very, VERY slutty. We managed to get fairly inebriated that night.
The street outside the studios I mentioned above was where we parked our beast. And also where we slept that night. Right there among other 'campers'.
Joe, Ryan and I headed down to Huntington Beach the following evening for a family BBQ with cousins Kerry, John, Audrey, Kelly and Mike. It had been YEARS since we have all seen each other. What a treat! Great food, drink and conversation. After an evening at the house, Kelly and Mike stayed to watch Audrey and us 'kids' went out for a night on the town. We even danced!
Kerry and John were heading out first thing Sunday morning to Mexico so we said our goodbyes after the bars. Ryan was our first overnight guest in the Dodge Mahal that night.
A huge thanks goes out to Mariette, Ryan, Lucas, Kerry and family for an unforgettable weekend in Los Angeles.
We took our time leaving town on Sunday and made our way to San Bernardino National Forest and camped near Lake Arrowhead. The next morning we headed directly to Joshua Tree by way of Big Bear Lake.
Joshua Tree National Park is unlike anything we have ever seen. The desert air is hot. The landscape is sparse. You are surrounded by giant rock formations that look so out of place it makes you want to know more. Joshua trees scatter for as far as the eye can see. Again, it's hot. And not just hot but that mean kind of heat. The kind that can consume your every ounce of being.

And we loved every moment of being there. Not to mention we had the place to ourselves. And one of the most unique camping spots we have ever seen. Our only downfall... Within an hour of our arrival, Joe was horsing around on the giant rocks that lined our campsite and landed wrong. And he was hurt. We knew it wasn't broken, or even sprained, but he received the kind of bruising on the bottom of his heal that left him immoble for twenty-four hours and with a serious limp there after. So, instead of hiking and climbing as originally planned, we like to say we had Joshua Tree 'come to us' right there in our campsite. We read a lot. Enjoyed the sun and then enjoyed the shade even more. Played lots of cards. Took in the surreal surroundings. We stayed for three nights.

Joe was feeling a little better yesterday so we headed out exploring in the Mahal. We didn't quite hit the trails but did find a few dirt roads that led to some really unique spots in the park. From high desert to low desert, hot to really hot, we found beauty in every part of Joshua Tree and are looking forward to our return. Next time with a pair of climbing shoes and a rope.